Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Beyond human mind and body, One of the most important, powerful and minute creation of God is the SOUL. No one has the capability to explain “SOUL”, as very few people feel the power of its existence. It cannot be visualized, touched or felt until we energize it to a certain level.

“The Process of Awakening of Soul is known as KUNDALI JAGRAN (In Hindu Mythology)”

Kundali Jagran can be achieved through Direct Meditation, Yoga Activities or by Enchanting Mantras.

One should have to activate and boost its inner strength to feel the essence of it. This process is used to purify the complete system of the body whether it is physically or mentally. Awakening of Soul provides you divine power and leads to the state of mental peace.

Five (5) major impurities which get extracted from the system, by the process of Kundali Jagran are:-

1.     SEX or LUST (KAAM)
2.     ANGER or RAGE (KRODH)
3.     GREED (LOBH)

A normal human being is completely occupied from the above 5 things which results in a huge disturbance of the Soul to its reality and facts. The person seems to be active in physical word but inactive from inside. Due to the above realities, the inner progress becomes motionless which leads the person’s mind to negativity.

Kundali Jagran awakes the beginning of actual spiritual experience, which is very simple, natural and necessary in terms of reaching the goal.

And obviously, The Goal of each and every individual on this earth is to achieve the status of Salvation.


  1. Process of Awakening of Soul is known as KUNDALI JAGRAN as per Hindu Mythology
